Class Overview

In our Pre-Kindergarten class the children are offered varied learning experiences that will enable each child to reach their full potential. The children have opportunities throughout the day to work independently as well as in groups, problem solve, develop social skills and thrive in an encouraging environment. Through an integrated and hands on curriculum we focus on literacy, mathematics, science, social skills and creative arts. Our outdoor activities are incorporated into daily lessons as we use our spacious grounds to explore and discover nature’s treasures. Parents are involved in our learning experiences, and their expertise is an integral part of our yearly activities.

More Details

Age Group
4 - 5 Years
Class Size
21 Children
Staff Per Class


In Pre-Kindergarten, through an integrative and hands on curriculum, we focus on literacy,math, science, creative arts and social skills helping to set the stage for future educational success.

Play Areas

Learning is taking place everywhere on our spacious 24 acres of land that allow the children to explore nature, gain knowledge, play sports, develop their gross and motor development and raise their curiosity of the world around them.


Our certified Pre-Kindergarten staff have many years of knowledge and experience as well as ongoing training in ensuring a positive and developmentally appropriate learning environment for our students.

What The Parents Say